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Rule reminder

Sun Jun 11 2023

I sent this last year in July after a discussion at our July 2022 Board meeting.  It was brought to my attention we have had cases where an illegal pitch call was made by the home plate umpire after the pitched ball hit the mat.  This is incorrect.  I am including the rules regarding an illegal pitch once again  Managers please make sure we are utilizing the illegal pitch rules correctly in our games.

There are 2 cases an illegal pitch can be called by the home plate umpire - a pitch that goes around the screen and not over the screen and a pitch that is 12 feet or higher.  The pitching screen is 6 feet high so an illegal pitch is twice as high as the screen.  In both cases the home plate umpire should verbalize "Illegal" as soon as possible.  The umpire may extend a straight arm at shoulder height with a fist to indicate an illegal pitch.  An illegal pitch will be counted as a ball.  However, the batter has the option of swinging at an illegal pitch and if this occurs the ball is in play as though the illegal pitch was not called.  Normal play continues in this case.  A pitch cannot be called illegal after it hits the ground.  It is imperative the illegal pitch decision is made and called early by the umpire to give the batter enough time to properly make their decision to swing, knowing the pitch will be a ball if the batter chooses not to swing.  No changes to this rule, just a reminder how the illegal pitch rule should be handled.

RMSS Coordinator
Mike Ewen

"Go To Bat" for Salvation Army Red Kettle Event and League Game Time Schedule Change

Wed Dec 14 2022

Seasons Greetings to all,

Just a quick reminder that our RMSS "Go To Bat" for the Salvation Army Red Kettle event will take place this Friday, from 8 AM until noon in the RCTC Regional Sports Bubble (the dome). All RMSS players, families and league sponsors are invited out to "Go To Bat" for the Salvation Army, hit a few softballs in the dome, maybe participate in a scrimmage, and see Santa run the bases. The RMSS family will attempt to hit a "Grand Slam" as we raise a tremendous sum of money for the Salvation Army that we will present to Rebecca Snapp and the new Majors with the Salvation Army. Afterwards, this amount will then be added to the Mayo Clinic Red Kettle Match event that takes place on Friday and Saturday where the amount we contribute will be matched by the Mayo clinic up to $20,000.00.

This event in the dome is free to all and treats/snacks/beverages (non-alcoholic) will be provided courtesy of Dave and Julie Zemke, and the Thrivent Action Team. KTTC may also be on hand with our very own Chuck Sibley and Darian Leddy teaming up to create a wonderful news story showing the generosity of the RMSS family and one of the many ways our organization gives back to the community.

As an added note concerning our Wednesday schedule, we are making a change to the game times for the league games after seeing how game days have progressed these first two weeks. Effective immediately, we are moving the start time for game two from 10:15 AM to 10:30 AM for the remainder of the season, or until we see that there is still extra time left at the end of each day. We make this change in the hope that we will be able to get two full nine-inning games in each Wednesday.

Thank you and Merry Christmas!

Jim Goodman

Senior Dome Softball Coordinator

Salvation Army Red Kettle - Go To Bat !

Wed Dec 07 2022

Holiday greetings to all!

The holiday season is upon us... A time for giving thanks for the many blessings that we have, and a time for helping those that may be needing just a little help to get through the holidays and the coming year. We have weathered a COVID storm for the past two years that has played havoc with our RMSS “Go To Bat” for the Salvation Army Red Kettle event, and this year we are returning to an event that will look very similar to events we were able to have prior to COVID. We are no longer “a dome softball team in search of a dome”, as the dome went up on time and RCTC has allowed us to bring our event back into the dome where we can truly “Go To Bat” once again for the Salvation Army.

Our main event will take place on Friday, the 16th, from 8 AM until noon as we will have a red kettle in the dome and a batting practice for our players and any spectators/family interested in experiencing the thrill of dome softball. Treats/snacks/beverages (non-alcoholic) will be provided by Julie and Dave Zemke and the generosity of their Thrivent Action Team. Plans are also in place to have Chuck Sibley (and Darian Leddy?) from KTTC join us in the dome to hit some softballs and get some footage and interviews to create a news story about the RMSS family and how we “Go To Bat” for the Salvation Army.

We will also have a red kettle in the dome next Monday and Wednesday, the 12th and 14th, from 8 AM until 11 AM for players to “Go To Bat” on those days if they are unable to make the main event on Friday. Any money we collect on Monday and Wednesday will be saved and added to the money we collect on Friday, and this grand total of all money collected for the week by RMSS will then be presented to Rebecca Snapp and the Salvation Army.

But the generosity of the RMSS family will not end there... Rebecca and the Salvation Army will then take that money and place it into the Mayo Clinic Red Kettle Match event that takes place December 16th and 17th, and the Mayo Clinic will be matching all donations made to the Salvation Army on those days up to $20,000.00. So, everything RMSS collects next Monday, Wednesday and Friday will be matched by the Mayo Clinic! What a great way for the RMSS family to truly give back to the community!

This is an excellent opportunity for RMSS to "Go To Bat" for the Salvation Army and the community once again. And RMSS will be hitting a "grand slam" positive impact by taking advantage of the Mayo Clinic offer to double their donation. Every little bit helps the Salvation Army "to do the most good" in our community.

I wish I could be in town to help y’all “Go To Bat”, but will instead be busy in Texas getting ready for my stepdaughter’s wedding.

Merry Christmas to all!

Jim Goodman

Senior Dome Softball Coordinator

Salvation Army Red Kettle

Mon Nov 21 2022


Plans will be coming out soon detailing our annual Salvation Army Red Kettle event, and here is one other way the RMSS family can reach out and "Go to Bat" for the Salvation Army this holiday season. I am including an email I received from Rebecca Snapp, Director of Community Engagement for the Salvation Army, last week concerning the need for volunteers to help in counting the donations received in the red kettles. Please contact Rebecca at the numbers listed below if you have some additional time and would like to help out this holiday season.

Thank you!

Jim Goodman

Senior Dome Softball Coordinator

Hey Jim,

The big thing we actually need help with this kettle season is red kettle counting - people able to come in between 8:15 and 8:30 PM to help us sort and count the money that comes in the red kettles. If any of your players would be able to help us, especially Mondays-Wednesdays, I would greatly appreciate their time.

It’s so exciting that we could be back in the dome! Yes, keep me in the loop and let me know what you need.

I hope you are staying safe in all the snow this week.

Rebecca Snapp, CFRE

Director of Community Engagement

The Salvation Army of Rochester, MN

Office: 507-288-3663 ext. 3802

Cell: 507-779-9082

Start 2022-2021 Dome Season

Fri Nov 18 2022

Good afternoon,

We received word this morning from Michael Sheggeby that the dome is up and is nearly ready for rentals. RCTC still has fencing, backstops, and other protective equipment to bring into the dome. We were given permission to begin our dome season as early as next Monday, but have chosen to wait until Monday, November 28th, to begin our 2022-2023 RMSS dome season. We do this in the hopes that the additional week will give RCTC time to bring in the protective equipment we will need to ensure our players remain safe. I have also reached out to Michael asking what the status of the heating equipment is this year. Hopefully, repairs have been made to the heating equipment and we will have much more favorable temperatures in the dome for the entire season.

So, spring (winter) training will begin Monday, November 28th, at 8 AM with a batting practice for all players followed by a scrimmage for those players wanting to participate. We will follow the same schedule on Wednesday, November 30th, and will conduct the Wednesday league player draft after the practice. Any players wanting to be drafted to a team for the first session that have NOT answered the player survey will need to contact Dave Zemke or Jim Goodman by noon on November 30th. As of noon today, there were 42 players that answered "yes" to playing in the Wednesday league. Team managers and number of teams are still yet to be determined.

After the draft is complete, rosters and first session schedules will be made available on our RMSS website.Our Wednesday time schedule will be posted on the game schedule tab and will be determined by the number of teams. Members of the dome committee and volunteers will be in the dome each day beginning at 7:30 AM to get equipment set up for each day's activities. We have asked that the lights are on at 7:45 AM so players can begin to warm up before the practice or games begin at 8 AM.

Monday, December 5th, we will begin our regular season schedule with a batting practice starting at 8 AM followed by a scrimmage at 9:30 AM, ending at 11 AM. Our first day of the first session of league games will be Wednesday, December 7th.

Have a great Thanksgiving holiday and safe travels! We will see y'all in the dome on Monday, November 28th! (Actually, I will not see you as I will be driving home from Texas that day. But, I see y'all on Wednesday.) Looking forward to another wonderful and successful RMSS dome season!

Jim Goodman

Senior Dome Softball Coordinator

Dome status

Fri Nov 11 2022


Great news! KTTC has reported the last two evenings, and I have heard several other confirmed sightings of a white fabric sports bubble shining on the Eastern Rochester skyline. That can only mean that 2022-2023 RMSS Senior Dome Softball season is right around the corner. All that remains is some interior setup that will need to be completed and an email from Michael Sheggeby confirming that all work is completed and that the dome is open for business. My best guess is that date may be Monday, November 28th… We shall see how close I am.

I heard it said in a movie once that, “if you build it, they will come”. Based on that quote, we have attached a dome player survey to see just how many people this quote meant. We are sending the survey to all RMSS players and ask that you respond even if you are not planning to play in the dome. We would like to have all responses submitted by Sunday, November 27th.

Please click on the link in your email and if you have any questions, or need assistance completing the survey, please let me know.

Thank you,

Jim Goodman

Senior Dome Softball Coordinator

Dome update

Fri Oct 28 2022

Good morning,

November is nearly here and it is almost time to turn the clocks back and start thinking about winter, snow, cold temperatures, and the start of the 2022-2023 Senior Dome Softball season. The RMSDS committee has been in contact with Michael Sheggeby, the RCTC dome director, to find out when setup for the dome should take place and when we could possibly start planning for the start of our season. Michael's current answer is that the dome should be set up by mid- to late- November... We will cross our fingers and pray to be in the dome by the first week of December.

We will operate the league in the same format we have used in previous years. Monday mornings will consist of an extended batting practice followed by a scrimmage/game for all players choosing to play. We begin warmups and batting practice shortly after 8 AM, and will begin our scrimmage/game at 9:30. We are then finished up and out of the dome by 11 AM. Monday mornings are structured more for the senior recreational players looking to stay active through the winter months. In prior years, we did the same batting practice/scrimmage schedule on Fridays also. Fridays were dropped last year due to low player numbers available to play on Friday mornings. If we could have 20-25 players commit to playing Friday mornings, we could possibly look at adding Fridays back into our dome schedule.

Wednesdays will again consist of drafted teams playing scheduled games with a short warmup/batting practice taking place before the first game. We start at 8 AM with batting practice, and games begin at 8:30 AM. Our game day schedule will be determined by the number of players and teams we have, and we try to have each team play two games each day. We are usually finished with games by noon or shortly after. Players wanting to play in the Wednesday league games will declare themselves eligible to be drafted for each session, and the season will be split up into several sessions with a draft taking place prior to each session. In the same manner as the RMSS summer league, the Senior Dome Softball winter league will focus on fun, fitness and fellowship.

There will be a player survey coming soon to all players email inbox asking you to respond as to which days you are planning to participate. Your responses will help our committee determine how to arrange our Monday practices, Wednesday game schedule, and number of teams and managers needed for the Wednesday league.

Players are required to fill out and submit a player registration/waiver form prior to participating in practices or games. Attached is a pdf file of the player registration/waiver document. This document may be completed and then returned as per the instructions shown on the bottom of the pdf page.

Mark the date of December 16th, on your calendar as the day for the annual RMSS "Go to Bat" day for the Salvation Army Red Kettle event. This date will correspond with the Mayo Clinic match event allowing RMSS to double our contribution to the Salvation Army. If the dome is up, we plan to have the red kettle set up at our Monday and Wednesday days in addition to having a Friday batting practice/scrimmage/red kettle event for the entire RMSS family. If the dome is not up by that time, we will get together with Charlie Brannon to schedule a "Go to Bat" for the Salvation Army Red Kettle event at Charlie's Eatery & Pub again this year.

I am looking forward to seeing all of you in the dome soon! Also looking forward to another fun and successful Senior Dome Softball season! ⚾⚾⚾

Senior Dome Softball Coordinator

Jim Goodman

Picnic update

Sat Sep 24 2022

Picnic update

Just to clarify, RMSS is funding the end of season picnic.  Mark and Sally Podein are coordinating the food purchase and preparation, providing the grilling equipment and even volunteers to help grill.  Our original email was not clear.  The Podeins will incur no out of pocket expenses.  Please remember to bring a dish to share.

Last game of the season so players will need to return their jersey to their manager.  Bring an extra shirt and maybe something warm for post game food and fun.

Also, the charity donation checks (which are tax deductible) should be made out to  The ALS Association.  Personal donations will be collected by Ernie Hain during the picnic.

Golf  Reminder from Dave Zemke:

  • Sign up deadline is Monday at the picnic ... currently have 45 sign-ups of all skill levels.

  • Zumbro Falls Golf course - registration 8:45 - 9:15 ... shotgun start at 9:30 - 4 person best shot.

  • $35 / per person includes golf/cart/burger meal and prize fund - please bring cash.

  • Respond to Dave Zemke @ or phone/text 507-421-2111 (remember to leave a NAME!!)

See you all Monday....

RMSS Coordinator
Mike Ewen

End of Season Picnic

Mon Sep 19 2022

End of Season Picnic Details

Hard to believe the 2022 RMSS summer season has come and almost gone, only 2 games left. On Monday, the 26th, after the final games we will celebrate the end of the season with the Duane Petersen ALS Charity Picnic.  RMSS will be donating $500 to the MN/SD/ND ALS Association Chapter which supports people living with ALS and their loved ones through no charge services and education. .Click here for more info on our local ALS association chapter. We encourage you to add your own contributions to this worthy charity.  We will be collecting personal donations at the picnic.  Cash or checks to RMSS please. The combined amount will be donated in honor of Duane Petersen.

Everyone is invited and we encourage you to bring family members. Let’s wrap this season up with a fun time.  There just might be a few surprises.  Carve out some time and be there!

For the final session picnic Mark and Sally Podein have stepped up and volunteered to provide brats, hot dogs, potato salad and small bags of chips. And of course, all the condiments.

Asking our members to bring additional side dishes and desserts was so successful last picnic we would be derelict if we did not invite you once again to bring your favorite side dishes and/or desserts to share.

As is usual RMSS will provide soda and water.

This has been a great summer season. You have helped us recruit many new players and made our league even stronger. I am sure we all made new friends!

Just because our summer is nearly over does not mean the Fun Fitness Fellowship and good times are over. In late November or early December we start our winter sessions at the RCTC dome.

For those who cannot participate in Dome ball, stay well and we will see you next April for spring training!

Join us Monday in the pavilion to help us celebrate the RMSS 2022 season!


Chuck Brand & Gary Thomas
RMSS Publicity Directors - defacto picnic planners

Mike Ewen
RMSS Coordinator

Al Schacht funeral

Tue Jul 19 2022

Players and Managers,

The funeral for longtime RMSS player, Al Schacht, will be next Monday, July 25th, at 11 AM, with a visitation taking place at 10 AM before the service. There will be some RMSS players that will be leaving games early in order to attend one or both of these services. Players, please inform your manager before the game if you are planning to leave early to attend the service. Managers, please work with opposing managers if one or both of your teams will be losing players to this event. Managers also have the option to shorten games to seven innings in order to allow players to make the service.

Players, please get to the fields as soon as possible before the games on Monday so that managers will have an accurate player count before the manager's meeting. The manager's meeting will begin promptly at 9:15 AM, and games will begin promptly at 9:30 AM. Keep games moving along at a brisk pace in order to allow players that will be leaving time to get to the service and still allow the maximum amount of innings to be played by all. 

Thank you for your cooperation.

Jim Goodman

Elections for 2023

Fri Jul 15 2022

Senior Softball

For those that hold elected positions (all except Ben and Randy) please consider your continued service in your current role.  I will be asking if you are planning to run for your current (or new) position for our next RMSS season of 2023 at the Moday Board meeting.  We have a great team, I would be extremely happy to have all you back next season but totally understand if you need to step down. Forming the Election Committee is on the agenda and it is beneficial to know which positions we may need to fill.  Please give it some thought over the weekend.  


RMSS Coordinator
Mike Ewen

Al Schacht obituary

Wed Jul 13 2022

Senior Softball

Link to Al's obituary

Al was a long time RMSS player although it's been quite awhile since he played with us.  Visitation at 10am, funeral at 11am on July 25 which is a Monday game day for RMSS.  The Executive Board has made the decision not to change the start times of games.  If you plan to attend, you will need to leave your game early.  Please inform your manager ahead of time.  Be aware some players will be attending, so try to start the games on time and keep the games moving in a timely manner.  Again, this is for Monday, July 25, Game 3 Session 3, a week from this coming Monday.  

Thanks for your cooperation.

RMSS Coordinator

Mike Ewen

Pinch Runner Rule & Hot & Humid Tomorrow

Sun Jun 19 2022

Senior Softball 

At the RMSS Board meeting on 6/15 we had a discussion on pinch runners.  It was agreed we need to reiterate our pinch runner rule, consistently enforce the rule and eliminate the practice of putting pressure on a player to get a pinch runner.

Here is our Pinch Runner rule from the Rules section of the web site.

Pinch Runners

A team may use an unlimited number of pinch runners, but a player may only pinch run once an inning.  provided the ball is put in play (strikeouts do not count).  The exception will be if a walk occurs. Then a player can run as often as they'd like. A pinch runner is defined as a player running for a batter or for another base runner.  A runner is defined as someone running in the event of a walk. For a regular walk, the runner will take 1st base and any others on base will advance to the next base if applicable. If the walk is intentional, the runner goes to the empty base. Pinch runners will be allowed from the back screen for the batter. The pinch runner will be positioned behind the batter within arms length of the fence and with the lead foot on a line extending from home plate that runs directly from the pitcher's mound to home plate to the fence. The pinch runner will not break for first base until the ball has been batted.

If a pinch runner is on base when his turn to bat comes up he can be replaced by another runner.

Bottom line - a player can only run from home for a batter OR replace a runner already on base once per inning.  Strikeouts do not count since the pinch runner never had the opportunity to run.  Walks also do not count.

It is each player's choice to run for themselves or get a pinch runner.  This is a personal choice and should not be influenced by others. The only player asking another player if they want a pinch runner should be that player's manager.  Ideally, players wanting a pinch runner should inform their manager prior to the game.  This allows the manager to develop a pinch runner strategy with their roster for that particular game.  We do not want non-managers asking players if they want a pinch runner.  This occurs too often and many times by multiple players, especially late in a close game. This can be intimidating to that player and can even be considered a form a bullying.  We only want the player themselves to ask for a pinch runner or their manager to ask the player if they want a pinch runner.

With our limited rosters and often playing with a minimum number of players, fast pinch runners are often at a premium.  This does not mean we can bend the rules.  Managers draft their teams with batting, fielding and running considerations in mind.  It is up to the manager to make good pinch runner decisions during the game with their available game day roster.

We wanted all players to be knowledgeable of the rule so they are aware of their manager's choices during the games.

On a separate note, just a reminder, it will be HOT and HUMID tomorrow at our games.  Bring some water and/or a sports drink for during the games and keep hydrated.  Adult beverages consumed AFTER the games in the parking lot obviously have no effect during the games.

Happy Father's Day to all the Dads.  I hope you had a great day and enjoy the rest of your evening.

RMSS Coordinator
Mike Ewen

Pizza Party

Sun Jun 19 2022

Senior Softball

Tony Speltz will generously provide pizzas after the games on Monday, June 27 to celebrate his 53rd...oops I mean 83rd Birthday on June 26.  We will help Tony celebrate with a party in the McQuillan Pavilion at approximately 1115 or after your game ends.  Please bring your own beverages.  If a few people want to bring some desserts I think that would be great, too!  Thanks, Tony!

RMSS Coordinator
Mike Ewen

Session 1 Wrapup - Session 2 Start

Sun Jun 05 2022

Senior Softball

Before we start Session 2 tomorrow, I neglected to give credit to 3 teams for a tie for first place in Session 1.  Congratulations to the managers and players on Black's Auto, Prime Time Health and Thrivent who all ended the session with 6-2 records.  Each team member on the 3 first place teams receives...well the same as the other 5 teams - nothing special.  We have typically tried to get a photo of the first place team(s) for our web site.  I was a little pre-occupied with the draft and leaving for vacation and neglected to ask the managers to get a photo.  I think I saw a Thrivent team photo on our RMSS Facebook page, maybe we'll get a copy and post it to the web site.

Remember, we want to start the games promptly at 930am, 10 swings max in batting practice.  Check the schedule, find your field and manager, get your jersey. Hopefully, you'll get to meet some new teammates, maybe play a new position and make some good memories.

Fun, Fitness and Fellowship!

RMSS Coordinator
Mike Ewen

End of Session 1 & Session 2 Info

Tue May 31 2022

Senior Softball

Tomorrow we are back from the Memorial Day holiday and rain out last Wednesday.  Seems like it's been forever since we last played.  It is our last game of Session 1.  Please bring an alternate shirt to wear so you can turn in your jersey to your manager after the game.  The Session 2 draft will be held after the games.   Rosters and schedule will be posted on the web site as soon as possible.  Thanks to all who submitted availability info for Session 2.  This greatly helps the managers during the draft.  Session 2 starts next  Monday, June 6 and runs for 11 games, ending on Wednesday, July 13 with our Summer picnic following the games.  No games on Monday, July 4.

RMSS Coordinator
Mike Ewen

RMSS News and Session 2 Draft Info

Thu May 19 2022

Senior Softball

We have played 6 of our 9 games in Session 1 and the draft for Session 2 is Wednesday, May 25 following the games at 1130am.  All players who have already registered and paid will be drafted, this includes drop in players who have paid for the season or the session.  The deadline for new players to register AND pay is prior to the draft on May 25 at 1130am.  We still have many players who played as recently as last year who we have not seen yet this year.  We want you back.  Please register ASAP! Weather permitting the draft will be held at the pavilion at McQuillan.  Only managers and those Board members involved are allowed to be present at the draft itself.

Please reply back to this email or let your manager know if you will have any availability issues (planned vacations, work conflicts, etc)  in Session 2 which runs June 1 thru July 13.  Session 2 is 11 games with no games on July 4.  Please provide this information prior to the Session 2 draft.  Our Summer Picnic will be held on Wednesday, July 13 following the games.

If anyone printed a Session 1 schedule early in the session, it showed an extra week in Session 1.  This has been corrected. Games both Monday and Wednesday next week, no games on Monday, May 30 (Memorial Day) and the final game on Wednesday, June 1.

We are always looking for players to help in various RMSS leadership positions.  In particular, we are looking for someone to assist/backup Joe Koerner as our Web Site/Technology Director.  No previous experience required, Joe will provide on the job training.  If you have interest in serving on the Board, being a team manager, helping with the picnics or have your own ideas, please talk to myself or another Board member.  We will be looking for Audit Team and Election Committee members later in the season.

If you are a new player and want your picture to be included in our Player Directory on the web site please find me before or after a future game.  I’ve got photos of many of you but still missing a couple. If I've taken your photo it will be in the Directory soon.

I have attached a flyer for a Salvation Army Golf for Good  golf tournament and fundraiser.  RMSS has had a great relationship with Salvation Army over the years, donating a lot of money to this great organization.  The tournament is Monday, July 25 with a noon shotgun so timing would be tight with softball games that day.  Check it out.

Stay healthy,

Mike Ewen
RMSS Coordinator

Start of Summer 2022 Season

Thu Apr 28 2022

Senior Softball

We have had a lot of new players sign up this year to bring our number of players up to a level where we are going to 8 teams in Session 1.  It may be a little bit of a stretch on some days but we have too many players for 6 teams and 7 teams would require one team to have a bye each week.  So it will be 8 teams.  Tom (Cubbie) Kowaleski and Bob Hewitt will not be managing this session.  We thank you for your past contributions in serving the league as managers.  Replacing them will be Matt Halleck (Primetime Health) and a combo of Al DeLacey and Ed Butler (Eagles).  We thank them for stepping up.

We also have a number of players who have played with us in the past who are still getting our emails but have not registered for Session 1.  We want you back!  You can come back any time as a pool player. If you get registered on time before any session, you will be drafted to a team.  Our single session fee is only $12.

Our draft for Session 1 was held on April 27 and the rosters are posted on our web site.  Session 1 schedule is also posted.

Our first game is Mon, May 2.  Batting practice starts about 830, games start at 930.  We will be starting the games promptly at 930.  Please limit your batting practice swings to a maximum of 10.  Let's all help out to police this limit.  If you are a late arrival you may not get batting practice.  We will not be canceling games due to cold weather.  Scott Hanson has again stepped to be our field checker in the morning before games as needed.  Based on his input and the forecast an email will be sent by approximately 730 if the games will be cancelled.  If you do not  see an email, the games are on.  With 8 teams we will be using Fields 2,3,4 & 5.  3 4 & 5 are clustered around the pavilon/concession/bathrooms.  Field 2 is just east of the parking lot across from Longfellow school by the sand volleyball courts.  Please try to arrive little early on Monday to find your field, get your jersey, meet your manager and teammates.

Our rosters are tight with the move to 8 teams, so it is more important than ever that you remain flexible with player adjustments that may be required to balance the teams.  Also, please keep your manager informed of any known absences.  The sooner the better for planning purposes.

NEW PLAYERS - it's great to have you aboard with RMSS.  We have a player directory on our web site.  It's a great way to help you start putting names and faces together.  I was able to get some new player pictures at our limited practices.  If I have not taken your picture yet I will be looking for you.  The first few weeks please come to the pavilion when the first whistle blows if you are playing on Fields 3,4 or 5.   Field 2 players can catch me there when we both play there.  After the games in the parking lot also works. Make sure you check our rules/procedures .  If you have any questions check with your manager or someone on your team.

ALL PLAYERS - If you have any questions/concerns/comments we want to hear about them.  Bring them to your manager or an Executive Board member.  We want to make RMSS a great experience for everyone involved.

I had mentioned previously the possibility of a practice on Friday 4/29. The Friday practice will not be happening. NO PRACTICE on Friday.

Mike Ewen
RMSS Coordinator

RCTC and Dome Mask Policy

Sat Mar 05 2022

RCTC and Dome Mask Policy


There have been some questions from players about what the mask policy is now that the Rochester mask mandate ended on February 7th, the Rochester Public School district made a change to their mask policy, and the CDC came out with new guidelines for mask use. Based on the new CDC guidelines, the RCTC President sent the following email to the RCTC Community this week explaining why the mask policy at RCTC and the dome will remain the same at this time.

I am also including under the email from the President, an email that came from Michael Sheggeby updating all rental groups as to what the mask policy will be until Olmsted County is no longer defined as high level. The policy remains the same as the policy RMSS has been following since we started playing in the dome the first week of February. We continue to inch closer to the day when we will no longer be required to wear a mask when we enter and exit the dome, or use the restroom in the entryway, but we aren't there yet. Please continue to wear your mask when entering and exiting the dome, or when you are in the entryway of the dome. And also remember to socially distance as you are "actively participating" in the game once you have entered the dome. Let's continue to stay safe and keep others safe.

Thank you,

Jim Goodman

Message from RCTC

Campus Community,

Thank you for your continued efforts in our fight against COVID-19.  As many of you heard last week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a new metric for measuring the COVID community transmission levels.  This new metric uses three key data points: 1) new COVID hospitalizations; 2) hospital capacity; and 3) new COVID-19 cases.  Using this new metric, many counties in Minnesota moved from high to medium or low; however, Olmsted County and many counties in southeast Minnesota remain under the high community level.  Because of that designation, RCTC will continue to enforce an indoor face covering (mask) mandate until Olmsted County is no longer defined as a high level. We do not take this decision lightly, nor do we want to continue with undue burdens, but it is our responsibility to do our part to maintain a healthy and safe learning and working environment.

Rochester Public School (RPS) vs. RCTC Policies: This week, the RPS Board announced a change to their masking policy, which now bases it on cases within individual schools.  Because CTECH is a stand-alone building used exclusively by District #535, the RPS policy will be followed in that building.  All other RCTC Campus buildings (Main, Heintz Center, Sports Center, and the Bubble) will follow the RCTC policy, including all external agencies housed in those buildings (i.e. P-Tech, DEED, WSU-R).

The data and guidance will continue to be monitored, and we’re hopeful to soon return to some form of normalcy. Again, we appreciate your resilience, flexibility, and patience as we all work to #protectthehive; and the best way to protect it is to get vaccinated, boosted, and get tested if experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms.

If you have any questions, please email:


Jeffery S

Jeffery S. Boyd, Ed.D.


Rochester Community and Technical College

851 30th Ave. SE, Rochester, MN  55904 ~

RCTC will continue to enforce an indoor face covering (mask) mandate.

Dome Requirements:

  • Everyone is required to have a mask on when entering and leaving the dome and front entrance building

  • Participants must wear a mask while on the bench or not actively engaged in a practice, game or match.

  • All spectators over the age of 4 must be masked.

  • Coaches must wear a mask during game or match and if not actively participating in drills during a practice.

  • Officials must wear a mask when not officiating.

  • Renter is responsible to have a supply of masks for those that don’t bring one.

  • Renter is required to monitor and control this for all participants and spectators that are associated with the rental.

  • If mask monitoring/controls becomes an issue RCTC reserves the right to suspend rental(s) until issues are corrected.

If you have any questions, please email:



Dome status

Wed Jan 19 2022

On Jan 18, 2022, at 11:52 AM, wrote:

I just came back from RCTC.  There are about 30-40 folks in bright green (yellow?) vests who are working on setting the dome up.  Beautiful day to do it.  Hope they get it done before it gets cold tomorrow.  We’ll have to start getting serious about our dome ball.

Bill B.


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Prime Time Health Advisors, LLC. is based in Rochester, MN. We serve outlaying areas as well. We primarily serve the individual health, small group health and Medicare coverages markets, as well as the long term care, disability income, life insurance and annuities markets.


Thrivent Financial for Lutherans is a well known, nation-wide firm with local representatives offering Annuities, Insurance, Financial Investments, Retirement Income, Financial Planning and related services. Contact Dave Zemke, a local representative sponsoring an RMSS team - Thrivent. Contact Dave at 507-421-2111, via email:, or on the softball field.

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