June 17, 2024
The meeting was called to order at 11:40 pm by League Coordinator Jim Goodman.
Board Members: Jim Goodman, Kent Bruinsma, Ben Borgen, Mike Ewen, Joe Koerner, Randy Stocker, Gary Oldenburg, Gary Thomas, Bill Sutter, Deb Warnke, Mike Wiest and Bobette Pronk.
GUEST’S : Randy Kahl and Joe Kluck
SECRETARY’S REPORT: The Secretary's report for the May 15, 2024 meeting was emailed in pdf format prior to the Board meeting for members to review. Motion made by Deb Warnke, seconded by Ben Borgen and approved to accept the Secretary's Report.
TREASURER’S REPORT: The Treasurer's report for the May 15, 2024 meeting was emailed in pdf format prior to the Board meeting for members to review. In Ernie Hain's absence Jim Goodman reported the following amounts: checking account $10,768.73, designated funds
$2,453.68 and non-designated funds $5,104.36. Motion made by Ben Borgen, seconded by Gary Oldenburg and approved to accept the Treasurer's Report.
Bill Sutter reported that a question had come out as to when a ball is fair and when it is foul. It is where the ball is, not where the player is.
Ben Borgen reported he only has two Twins tickets left and will save them for giving away at Rochesterfest. He only has two new hats left and will order more. Will put a note out asking how many players would like new hats to replace their current ones.
We discussed the picnic later in the meeting under Action Items.
Joe Koerner reported there have been many hits to our website. Looking at possibly doing things different with the notice about the Casual League. The Board decided it was ok for team pictures to be put on our Facebook account. It was also discussed maybe time to update all our player pictures on our website.
1. Randy Stocker reminded the Board that the Sequoia South band will be playing at our picnic June 26 rain or shine. We will pass a hat for donations to give to the band. Senior Softball exhibition is 6:00-8:00 pm June 26 on baseball field at Soldiers Field. Family Fun day is June
29th after the parade and Senior Softball will have a booth to promote our program. Need volunteers to help two different shifts; 4:00-6:00 pm and 6:00-8:00 pm. Need approximately four volunteers per shift.
2. Session 2 picnic will be held June 26. Gary Thomas reported that Melissa Doe is doing a lot of the organizing and ordering things. Dave Stevens will be smoking pulled pork for it. Planning on around 135 with RMSS providing the pulled pork, pickles, beans and chips. Jim Goodman will send out a email encouraging players to bring salads and desserts.
1. A bylaw change to Article 4 – Officers – Section 4 – Subsection G to Executive Board from just Board approval. Motion by Ben Borgen and seconded by Gary Oldenburg to change the bylaw. Motion carried.
2. Rules and Procedures update was tabled until next meeting.
3. Casual Division Update – Joe Koerner reported he is having fun as well as the others who are playing in the Casual Division. Some modifications had to be made when first starting out. Deb Warnke reported that some players left the Competitive Division to play in the Casual Division and love it. Both Joe and Deb reported it was moving along very good.
1. Golf for Good is a tournament to benefit the Salvation Army being held on July 22. Jim Goodman will send out another note first part of July.
2. Session 3 draft list will be available July 3. Joe Koerner and Ernie Hain will work on the list.
3. Randy Kahl asked that the 70 Raptors team play session 3 as a team to get prepared for their tournament. Randy would manage the team. Motion made by Gary Oldenburg and seconded by
Kent Bruinsma to let the 70 Raptors team play session 3 as a team. Motion carried.
4. Joe Koerner brought up changing the name of the Casual Division to Sandlot Division. After some discussion it was decided to leave it as Casual Division.
Next board meeting is July 17.
Motion made by Gary Oldenburg and seconded by Gary Thomas to adjourn at 1:20 pm. Motion approved.
Respectfully submitted electronically
Bobette Pronk,
RMSS Secretary
Any comments or concerns regarding these minutes should be directed to the League Coordinator. You are also encouraged to attend the RMSS board meetings to voice your comments and concerns.