McQuillan Pavilion
July 17, 2024
The meeting was called to order at 11:29 am by League Coordinator Jim Goodman.
Board Members: Jim Goodman, Kent Bruinsma, Ben Borgen, Joe Koerner, Gary Oldenburg, Gary Thomas, Bill Sutter, Deb Warnke, Ernie Hain, Dave Zemke, Casey Doe and Randy Kahl
GUEST’S : Joe Kluck
SECRETARY’S REPORT: The Secretary's report for the June 17, 2024 meeting was emailed in pdf format prior to the Board meeting for members to review. Motion made by Ben Borgen, seconded by Kent Bruinsma and approved to accept the Secretary's Report.
TREASURER’S REPORT: The Treasurer's report for the June 17, 2024 meeting was emailed in pdf format prior to the Board meeting for members to review. Treasurer Ernie Hain reported the current amounts: checking account $10,427.79, designated funds $2,453.68 and non-designated funds $6,055.28. Motion made by Ben Borgen, seconded by Kent Bruinsma and approved to accept the Treasurer's Report.
Bill Sutter stated that all managers should read the rules every year. A reminder that disputes on the field should be settled by the managers and the umpire. Players need to be redirected away from the conversation.
Deb Warnke suggested a process to replace the current safety qualification testing on the books. It would use what is current ly there and expand to serve to determine safety eligibility for the Competitive Division. A committee will be appointed and make recommendations.
Ben Borgen reported he has no Twins tickets left. Ben reported he ordered 25 new hats - 20 for new players and 5 for current players who want them, the cost was $375 - $75 over budget. After discussion – Motion by Dave Zemke, seconded by Joe Koerner to approve the additional expense for the hats to be used for new players only. Motion carried. Jim Goodman will send out an email to current players to find out how many want to purchase new hats.
The baseball/football cards went over well at Rochester Fest.
Gary Thomas reported issue with the current publishing company – Allegra.
Joe Koerner is working on a computer form to collect information prior to the draft.
1. Jim Goodman reminded the board of the Salvation Army “Golf for Good” outing on July 22.
2. Audit Committee Members: Eric Huntoon, Kerry Orton & Dennis Essler
3. Election Committee Members: Tim Allen & Christine Richardt
Board Members who are willing to run again: Secretary: Bobbette Pronk, Treasurer: Ernie Hain & Assistant Coordinator: Kent Bruinsma
Positions needed to be filled: Assistant Coordinator
Publicity Directors are undecided or unknown currently.
The Special Assistant to the Coordinator is an appointed position and will need to be filled as Ben Borgen is resigning
1. Changes to the Game Day Manager Meeting Process was sent out in advance for review. Motion by Dave Zemke, seconded by Ernie Hain to approve the changes as written. Motion carried.
2. Casual Division Update – Casual Division continues to move ahead. Deb & Joe presented a proposal for the League to move to a 2 division - 4 teams in each division. After discussion it was decided that a committee would be convened over the winter months to explore the possibility of this working for the League as it looks to the future.
1. Board Member for Re-election - Discussed earlier in the meeting.
2. Skills Test – Discussed earlier
3. Life Time Achievement Award need nominees
4. Session 4 Draft List - Discussed earlier
5. Session 3 Picnic – The Session 3 Picnic will be an ice cream social. There is money budgeted for it.
6. Dave Zemke presented a charitable donation option for the end of the year picnic.
7. Kent Bruinsma will order 2 new cases of 12” in balls. This is a budgeted item.
Dome Ball Update: The new fees and reservation email has been received. The expense is 3x what was paid last year. A committee will visit with the new coordinator and discuss the fees and the things that we do to clean up the dome and maintenance things.
Next board meeting is August 21.
Motion made by Kent Bruinsma and seconded by Gary Thomas to adjourn at 12:44 pm. Motion approved.
Respectfully submitted electronically
Deb Warnke for Bobbette Pronk,
RMSS Secretary
Any comments or concerns regarding these minutes should be directed to the League Coordinator. You are also encouraged to attend the RMSS board meetings to voice your comments and concerns.