McQuillan Pavilion
August 21, 2024
The meeting was called to order at 11:50 pm by League Coordinator Jim Goodman.
Board Members: Jim Goodman, Kent Bruinsma, Joe Koerner, Randy Stocker, Gary Oldenburg, Deb Warnke, Ernie Hain, Dave Zemke, Chuck Brand, Tom Kowalewski and Bobette Pronk.
GUEST’S : Joe Kluck and Bill Klein
SECRETARY’S REPORT: The Secretary's report for the July 17, 2024 meeting was emailed in pdf format prior to the Board meeting for members to review. Motion made by Gary Oldenburg, seconded by Kent Bruinsma and approved to accept the Secretary's Report.
TREASURER’S REPORT: The Treasurer's report for the month ending July 31, 2024 was emailed in pdf format prior to the Board meeting for members to review. Ernie Hain reported the following amounts: checking account $8,626.58, designated funds $2,453.68 and non-designated funds $5,943.37. Motion made by Randy Stocker, seconded by Kent Bruinsma and approved to accept the Treasurer's Report.
A motion was made by Deb Warnke, seconded by Gary Oldenburg to keep playing with the womens ball and make it permanent going forward. Motion approved.
SAFETY & RULES REPORT: Bill Sutter was absent and had nothing to report.
SPECIAL ASSISTANT REPORT: Ben Borgen was absent and had nothing to report.
PUBLIC RELATIONS REPORT: No report other than Thrivent will give $250 to help with the end of the season picnic and RMSS will give this $250 to our charity of choice at the end of the session.
WEBSITE/TECHNOLOGY REPORT: Joe Koerner reported website is going well with Joe Kluck and Kent Bruinsma handling it. Joe talked about the process and form that players filled out for session 4.
1. Tom Kowalewski proposed trading a personal bat for a team bat. Motion made by Gary Oldenburg, seconded by Kent Bruinsma to allow Tom to trade. Amendment to the motion to say of equal value. Motion approved.
2. Bill Klein brought up that he would like to trade a bat for one of the team bats that he really likes. He would be willing to buy a bat and trade it for the team bat. Motion by Gary Oldenburg, seconded by Dave Zemke to sell the team bat for what RMSS paid for it originally. Discussion included that it doesn't seem right to charge him for the used bat. Motion failed. Ernie Hain made a motion Bill Klein would take the Rocket Combat and replace with a balanced 27 oz. Miken Ultra #2 bat. Motion seconded by Deb Warnke. Motion approved.
3. Lifetime Achievement Award will be announced at the picnic in September.
4. Officer candidates for the 2025 RMSS Board are: League Coordinator – Jim Goodman Assistant Coordinator – Dave Zemke Assistant Coordinator – Kent Bruinsma Secretary – Bobette Pronk Treasurer – Ernie Hain Publicity – Randy Stocker and Melissa Doe Rules – Bill Sutter Web Director – Joe Kluck Special Assistant Coordinator – No one so far
5. Deb Warnke would be willing to take over ordering RMSS merchandise from the Special Assistant Coordinator role. More discussion will follow on this.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Skills Test Committee formation was tabled until another meeting. 2. Casual Division discussion was tabled until another meeting.
1. Session 4 picnic – Joe Kluck will contact Gary Thomas and Melissa Doe.
2. Charity for Session 4 picnic was discussed. Dave Zemke proposed helping a family member who is going through cancer. Motion by Bobette Pronk, seconded by Ernie Hain to go with this proposal, but not enough Board members were left for a quorum to finish voting.
Next board meeting is September 18.
Motion made by Deb Warnke and seconded by Jim Goodman to adjourn at 1:15 pm as we did not have a quorum to continue. Motion approved.
Respectfully submitted electronically
Bobette Pronk,
RMSS Secretary