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McQuillian Park

August 11, 2021

The meeting was called to order at 11:20 am by Coordinator Randy Kahl.


Board Members: Randy Kahl, Chuck Brand, Gary Oldenburg, Dave Warnke, Tom Kowalewski,

Ben Borgen, Ernie Hain, John Bowron, Jim Goodman, Jim Cook, Dave Zemke, Bill VonWald,

Dave Warnke, Deb Warnke, Bill Gosse, Bob Hewitt

Guests: Al Delacy, Tim Allen, Matt Halleck

SECRETARY’S REPORT: The Secretary’s report for the July 14, 2021 meeting was e-mailed

prior to the Board meeting for members to review. Motion made by Ben Borgen, seconded by

Jim Goodman to approve the Secretary’s report. Motion carried

TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer Ernie Hain reported a balance of $3,397.37 in the RMSS

checking account. There is $1,470.66 in the Designated account. Motion made by Gary

Oldenburg, seconded by Ben Borgen to approve the treasurer's report. Motion carried.


PUBLICITY DIRECTORS REPORT: The cost of the picnic was $388.59. This can in under

budget. The next picnic will be after the last games of the 4 th session; September 27, 2021.

There was discussion regarding the menu and plans for the last picnic. A suggestion was made

to increase the budget for picnics to allow for catering of the picnic. This would make planning

an implementation for the players coordinating the picnic. There was a suggestion that Charlie’s

Eatery and Pub be considered as a possible caterer as they are a team sponsor. Discussion will

continue on this issue.

There are fliers, cards and car magnets available. It was relayed that a player had been given a

card in the past and he had kept the card in his wallet. After several years he retired and found

the card in his wallet and signed up.


Ben Borgen reported that the league banner on fence on field 4 was been stolen. After discussion

it was decided to leave the banner on field 3. Ben has 11 of the 15 th Anniversary hats left. Matt

has several of the previous style hats that he will bring. RMSS will sell the old-style hats and

keep the 15 th Anniversary hats for new players. No update on dart and pool tournaments. Ben

reported he will have more tickets for upcoming Twins games. There are only 4 teams signed up

for the tournament scheduled for 9/11/21. There were 2 teams that dropped out. The Rochester

Raptors 70+ team will play in the SSUSA tournament.

WEBSITE REPORT: Al Delacy reported for Joe Koerner. The website is up to date.


1. Discussed previously in the meeting

2. The first order of jackets are in and more are being ordered. Upcoming tournaments were

discussed previously in the meeting.

3. Discussed previously in the meeting.

4. The draft for session 4 will be held on 8/16/21.


1. Discussion regarding Facebook page for RMSS. The league had a page in the past. Deb Warnke stated that she could no longer find the page. Melissa Doe will be contacted as she has indicated in the past that she was interested in coordinating a Facebook page.

2. 113 players currently in the league. 15 are new players.

3. Discussed previously in the meeting.

4. Elections for next year: Randy Kahl and Jim Cook will be retiring from their positions after this year. An election committee will be appointed to get nominations for all positions.

5. Managers in attendance and John Bowron report all equipment in good order.

6. CPR training – Al Delacy updated the Board. He will continue to pursue options.

7. Jim Goodman announced his intent to run for League Coordinator for next year.

8. Black’s Auto and Eagles sponsors will sit out the last session.

9. Tom Kowaleski announced that he will be gone for most of the 4 th session and suggested that

Matt Halleck be appointed to the position. After discussion, the Board offered the position to

Chuck Brand, a current manager, as his team was not playing the 4 th session. Chuck accepted.

10. Discussion was held regarding the fees charged to new players starting after the start of a session. At this time there is no set process for this and there has been some inconsistency.

Motion: A player who joins the league after the start of a session, playing more than 4 games in that session will pay the full price of the session. New players will have the option of paying the current per game rate. Motion was made by Dave Zemke, seconded by Jim Goodman. Motion carried.

10. Previous Raptor players need to be contacted. They have Raptor jerseys that are needed for the upcoming tournament. Attempts have been made to contact them with no result. Dave Zemke stated he would try to contact them.

11. No games Labor Day. Managers should remind their players.

12. There is a budget for 2 Lifetime Achievement Awards. Ben Borgen indicated he has some

ideas on possible candidates.

13. Umpires are need to the upcoming National Qualifier Tournament. Contact Dave Zemke if

interested and qualified.

Next meeting September 8, 2021 at 11:30 pm. Place will depend on the weather.

Motion to adjourn the meeting by Dave Zemke, seconded by Chuck Brand. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted electronically,

Deb Dimler-Warnke for Bobette Pronk

RMSS Secretary

Any comments or concerns regarding these minutes should be directed to the League

Coordinator. You are also encouraged to attend the RMSS board meetings to voice your

comments and concerns.

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